EU REGULATION n. 679/2016 (GDPR)
Ghidini Lighting S.r.l., from which the data is collected pursuant to Article 13 of EU Regulation no. 679/2016, provides some information on how to manage its website www. (hereinafter the "Site") with reference to the processing and protection of the personal data of users who access it. This information is provided only for the Site and not for other websites that may be consulted by the User through links on its pages for which the Owner is in no way responsible:
The data controller is Ghidini Lighting S.r.l. (hereinafter "the Company"), with registered office in Via Monsuello n. 211, CAP 25065, Lumezzane (Bs). Fax: 0039 030 8248406; tel. 0039 030 8925625, email:, PEC:
Personal data means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (interested party), i.e. that can be identified directly or indirectly, with particular reference to an identifier such as the name, an identification number, location data, an identifier online or to one or more characteristic elements of its physical, physiological, genetic, psychic, economic, cultural or social identity.
Special categories of personal data (formerly sensitive data) are are defined as data that reveals racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, as well as processing genetic data, biometric data intended to identify uniquely a natural person, data relating to the health or sexual life or sexual orientation of the person
The data collected by the Data Controller are:
a) Browsing data
The computer systems and programs used to operate the Site collect some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. This information, even if it is not collected to be associated with the identified interested parties, could, by its nature, through processing and association with data held by third parties, allow users to be identified. This category of data includes the IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by users who connect to the Site, the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters relating to the operating system and the user's IT environment.
b) Data provided voluntarily by the User (Article 4 point 1 EU Reg.)
For the consultation of the Site it is not required to provide any personal data by the User.
However, the optional, explicit and voluntary sending of personal data to the addresses indicated on this Site as well as the inclusion of the same in the "Contacts" section will result in the acquisition of the User's address and personal data from the latter. necessarily inserted to follow up on the requests sent.
Similarly, the personal data entered by the User will be acquired by the Data Controller:
the. in the "E-Shop-Checkout" section in order to execute the sales contract that the User intends to conclude with the Owner;
ii. in the "Reserved Area" section in order to process the registration request in the Reserved Area.
The data collected by the Data Controller are only common personal data (such as by way of example and not limited to: name, surname, telephone, e-mail address). The Data Controller invites the User not to send, in their requests for services or questions, names or other personal data of third parties that are not strictly necessary.
c) Cookies
For information regarding the use of cookies through this Site, please read the cookie policy.
The processing of personal data is carried out by the Data Controller solely for the purposes indicated below and will take place using manual, computerized and telematic tools, always in compliance with the legislation in question and the purposes indicated below and in any case in such a way as to guarantee the adequate safety and security of the personal data processed.
The legal basis for the processing of navigation data (par. 3 letter a) is to pursue the legitimate interests of the Data Controller in relation to the management of the Site. This data will be used by the Data Controller for the following purposes:
- make it possible to access and browse the Site;
- collect data and information in an exclusively aggregated and anonymous form to verify the correct functioning of the Site;
- collect data and information in order to protect the security of the Site (spam filters, firewalls, virus detection) and users;
- obtain anonymous statistical information on the use of the Site.
In case of computer crimes committed against the Site, the navigation data may also be used to ascertain responsibility.

For data provided voluntarily by the User by sending their personal data to the addresses indicated on this Site or by completing the "Contacts" section (par. 3 letter b), the legal basis of the processing is the legitimate interest of the Data Controller to give feedback to the User, perform the service or provision requested, including the management of any applications sent spontaneously by the User.
Furthermore, with the explicit consent of the User, the data provided by the latter through the "Contacts" section will be processed for the performance of promotional and marketing activities.

For the data provided voluntarily by the User by completing the "E-shop-Checkout" section (par. 3 letter b n. I), the legal basis of the processing is the correct and complete execution of the supply / sale contract to which this information is accessed. In particular, the processing consists of the collection (i.e., the acquisition of the data), registration (i.e. storage of the data), organization, storage (paper and computerized data), consultation (i.e., reading of the data), communication by transmission to subjects better indicated in the following point, use (generic use of the data) for instrumental purposes both for the execution of the contract and for the fulfillment of legal and regulatory obligations in general, also of a fiscal and accounting nature, or arranged by public authority.
Furthermore, with the explicit consent of the User, the data provided by the latter through the "E-shop-Checkout" section will be processed for the performance of promotional and marketing activities.

The legal basis for the processing of personal data entered by the User in the "Reserved Area" section (par. 3 letter b n. Ii) is the legitimate interest of the Data Controller to follow up the registration request to the "Reserved Area" in order offer the services reserved for registered users (viewing the Catalog and using the Notebook tool).
Furthermore, with the explicit consent of the User, the data provided by the latter through the "Reserved Area" section will be processed for the performance of promotional and marketing activities ".
The navigation data (paragraph 3 letter a) collected in the context of this processing are mandatory as they are strictly functional to the IT management of the Site.
The provision by the User of their personal data through the addresses indicated on this Site or by filling in the "Contacts" section (par. 3 letter b) is mandatory to allow the Owner to follow up on the User's requests. Failure to provide the aforementioned data will therefore make any response from the Data Controller impossible. Failure to consent to the processing of personal data provided voluntarily by the User through the "Contacts" section for commercial or marketing purposes will not prevent the User from completing the "Contacts" section but will not allow the Data Controller to follow up on commercial purposes or of marketing.
The provision by the User of their personal data by completing the "E-shop-Checkout" section (par. 3 letter b n.i) is mandatory to proceed with the purchase of products on the Site. Failure to provide such data will therefore make it impossible to conclude and execute the sales contract between the User and the Owner. Failure to consent to the processing of personal data provided voluntarily by the User through the "E-shop-Checkout" section for commercial or marketing purposes will not prevent the User from concluding the sales contract with the Owner but will not allow this last to follow up on commercial or marketing purposes.
The provision by the User of their personal data by completing the "Reserved Area" section (par. 3 letter b n. ii) is mandatory to proceed with the required registration, so that in case of failure to provide them, the User will not be able to register in the "Reserved Area". Failure to consent to the processing of personal data provided voluntarily by the User through the "Reserved Area" section for commercial or marketing purposes will not prevent the User from registering in the Reserved Area but will not allow the Data Controller to follow up on the commercial or of marketing.

Recipients of personal data (i.e. the subjects to whom the personal data may be communicated) are, in addition to the data controller, the employees and / or collaborators of the Company (so-called persons authorized to process under the direct authority of the data controller or data processor ), the members of the board of directors, the board of statutory auditors and the supervisory body, the data processors, identified in the IT service management company and in the tax / tax consultancy company, or to other managers who will be appointed in writing and to whom specific written instructions will be given, the Authorities to whom, for the fulfillment of legal or regulatory obligations in general, the Company is required to send personal data (tax / tax consultancy firm), or the judicial authority for the protection of their own reasons, as well as to other subjects necessary for the pursuit of the purposes indicated in the preceding body par. 3.
Personal data will not be transferred to third countries outside the EU: Where, for reasons related to the execution of the contract, or to the fulfillment of legal obligations, a transfer to countries and / or organizations outside the EU is necessary, this transfer will take place in compliance with the conditions set by the GDPR. and, if necessary, with the consent of the interested party.
In consideration of the purpose of the processing, personal data will be kept for the time necessary to achieve the purposes indicated. After this deadline, the data will be deleted or made anonymous, following the legal requirements, unless their further conservation is necessary to fulfill legal obligations or to fulfill orders from the public authority, or to protect a legitimate interest of the Company (defense of the company in court).

The interested party has the right:
- to ask the data controller for access to personal data, the correction and / or integration of incomplete data, or the cancellation of the same. Any corrections or cancellations or limitations of the processing carried out at your request, unless this is impossible or involves a disproportionate effort, will be communicated by the data controller to each of the recipients to whom the personal data have been transmitted. The owner, if requested, can communicate the recipients to the interested party;
- to ask the holder to limit the processing that concerns him in the event that: 1) the data subject disputes the accuracy of personal data, for the period necessary for the holder to verify the accuracy of such data; 2) the processing is unlawful and the interested party opposes the cancellation of personal data and requests instead that its use be limited; 3) the personal data are necessary for the interested party to ascertain, exercise or defend a right in court; 4) the interested party has opposed the processing, in the period of waiting for the verification of the possible prevalence of legitimate reasons of the data controller with respect to those of the interested party;
- to request a copy of the personal data being processed;
- to the portability of data to another data controller, through (i) delivery in a structured format, commonly used and readable by an automatic device, the personal data concerning him and subsequent transmission to the other data controller, or (ii) direct transmission from the previous holder to the other holder, if technically feasible;
- to withdraw his / her consent at any time, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing up to what point in place. The withdrawal of consent cannot concern the cases in which the processing is necessary to fulfill a legal obligation to which the owner is required;
- to lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Authority (Privacy Guarantor) if it believes that its rights have not been respected;
- to know the purposes other than those indicated in Article 2 above in order to be able to express their consent with respect to them.
The interested party may address their written request to the following contacts:
- rec. a / r: Ghidini Lighting Srl, via Monsuello n.211 CAP 25065 Lumezzane (BS)
- email;,
- fax: 0039 030 8248406,
- PEC:

The interested party has the right to object at any time, for reasons connected to his particular situation, to the processing of personal data concerning him in cases where the processing is necessary for the execution of a task of public interest or connected to exercise of public authority vested in the data controller, or in cases where the processing is necessary for the pursuit of the legitimate interest of the data controller or third parties. The owner will refrain from further processing personal data unless he demonstrates the existence of compelling legitimate reasons to proceed with the processing that prevail over the rights of the interested party, or for the assessment, exercise or defense of a right in court. .
The interested party may address their written request to the contacts referred to in the preceding point.
The owner declares not to make use of automated decision-making processes, including profiling, that is any form of automated processing of personal data consisting in the use of such data to evaluate certain personal aspects relating to a natural person.

Lumezzane, 01 JUNE 2021

EU REGULATION n. 679/2016 (GDPR)
Ghidini Lighting S.r.l., from which the data is collected pursuant to Article 13 of EU Regulation no. 679/2016, provides some information on how to manage its website www. (hereinafter the "Site") with reference to the processing and protection of the personal data of users who access it. This information is provided only for the Site and not for other websites that may be consulted by the User through links on its pages for which the Owner is in no way responsible:
The data controller is Ghidini Lighting S.r.l. (hereinafter "the Company"), with registered office in Via Monsuello n. 211, CAP 25065, Lumezzane (Bs). Fax: 0039 030 8248406; tel. 0039 030 8925625, email:, PEC:
Personal data means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (interested party), i.e. that can be identified directly or indirectly, with particular reference to an identifier such as the name, an identification number, location data, an identifier online or to one or more characteristic elements of its physical, physiological, genetic, psychic, economic, cultural or social identity.
Special categories of personal data (formerly sensitive data) are are defined as data that reveals racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, as well as processing genetic data, biometric data intended to identify uniquely a natural person, data relating to the health or sexual life or sexual orientation of the person
The data collected by the Data Controller are:
a) Browsing data
The computer systems and programs used to operate the Site collect some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. This information, even if it is not collected to be associated with the identified interested parties, could, by its nature, through processing and association with data held by third parties, allow users to be identified. This category of data includes the IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by users who connect to the Site, the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters relating to the operating system and the user's IT environment.
b) Data provided voluntarily by the User (Article 4 point 1 EU Reg.)
For the consultation of the Site it is not required to provide any personal data by the User.
However, the optional, explicit and voluntary sending of personal data to the addresses indicated on this Site as well as the inclusion of the same in the "Contacts" section will result in the acquisition of the User's address and personal data from the latter. necessarily inserted to follow up on the requests sent.
Similarly, the personal data entered by the User will be acquired by the Data Controller:
the. in the "E-Shop-Checkout" section in order to execute the sales contract that the User intends to conclude with the Owner;
ii. in the "Reserved Area" section in order to process the registration request in the Reserved Area.
The data collected by the Data Controller are only common personal data (such as by way of example and not limited to: name, surname, telephone, e-mail address). The Data Controller invites the User not to send, in their requests for services or questions, names or other personal data of third parties that are not strictly necessary.
c) Cookies
For information regarding the use of cookies through this Site, please read the cookie policy.
The processing of personal data is carried out by the Data Controller solely for the purposes indicated below and will take place using manual, computerized and telematic tools, always in compliance with the legislation in question and the purposes indicated below and in any case in such a way as to guarantee the adequate safety and security of the personal data processed.
The legal basis for the processing of navigation data (par. 3 letter a) is to pursue the legitimate interests of the Data Controller in relation to the management of the Site. This data will be used by the Data Controller for the following purposes:
- make it possible to access and browse the Site;
- collect data and information in an exclusively aggregated and anonymous form to verify the correct functioning of the Site;
- collect data and information in order to protect the security of the Site (spam filters, firewalls, virus detection) and users;
- obtain anonymous statistical information on the use of the Site.
In case of computer crimes committed against the Site, the navigation data may also be used to ascertain responsibility.

For data provided voluntarily by the User by sending their personal data to the addresses indicated on this Site or by completing the "Contacts" section (par. 3 letter b), the legal basis of the processing is the legitimate interest of the Data Controller to give feedback to the User, perform the service or provision requested, including the management of any applications sent spontaneously by the User.
Furthermore, with the explicit consent of the User, the data provided by the latter through the "Contacts" section will be processed for the performance of promotional and marketing activities.

For the data provided voluntarily by the User by completing the "E-shop-Checkout" section (par. 3 letter b n. I), the legal basis of the processing is the correct and complete execution of the supply / sale contract to which this information is accessed. In particular, the processing consists of the collection (i.e., the acquisition of the data), registration (i.e. storage of the data), organization, storage (paper and computerized data), consultation (i.e., reading of the data), communication by transmission to subjects better indicated in the following point, use (generic use of the data) for instrumental purposes both for the execution of the contract and for the fulfillment of legal and regulatory obligations in general, also of a fiscal and accounting nature, or arranged by public authority.
Furthermore, with the explicit consent of the User, the data provided by the latter through the "E-shop-Checkout" section will be processed for the performance of promotional and marketing activities.

The legal basis for the processing of personal data entered by the User in the "Reserved Area" section (par. 3 letter b n. Ii) is the legitimate interest of the Data Controller to follow up the registration request to the "Reserved Area" in order offer the services reserved for registered users (viewing the Catalog and using the Notebook tool).
Furthermore, with the explicit consent of the User, the data provided by the latter through the "Reserved Area" section will be processed for the performance of promotional and marketing activities ".
The navigation data (paragraph 3 letter a) collected in the context of this processing are mandatory as they are strictly functional to the IT management of the Site.
The provision by the User of their personal data through the addresses indicated on this Site or by filling in the "Contacts" section (par. 3 letter b) is mandatory to allow the Owner to follow up on the User's requests. Failure to provide the aforementioned data will therefore make any response from the Data Controller impossible. Failure to consent to the processing of personal data provided voluntarily by the User through the "Contacts" section for commercial or marketing purposes will not prevent the User from completing the "Contacts" section but will not allow the Data Controller to follow up on commercial purposes or of marketing.
The provision by the User of their personal data by completing the "E-shop-Checkout" section (par. 3 letter b n.i) is mandatory to proceed with the purchase of products on the Site. Failure to provide such data will therefore make it impossible to conclude and execute the sales contract between the User and the Owner. Failure to consent to the processing of personal data provided voluntarily by the User through the "E-shop-Checkout" section for commercial or marketing purposes will not prevent the User from concluding the sales contract with the Owner but will not allow this last to follow up on commercial or marketing purposes.
The provision by the User of their personal data by completing the "Reserved Area" section (par. 3 letter b n. ii) is mandatory to proceed with the required registration, so that in case of failure to provide them, the User will not be able to register in the "Reserved Area". Failure to consent to the processing of personal data provided voluntarily by the User through the "Reserved Area" section for commercial or marketing purposes will not prevent the User from registering in the Reserved Area but will not allow the Data Controller to follow up on the commercial or of marketing.

Recipients of personal data (i.e. the subjects to whom the personal data may be communicated) are, in addition to the data controller, the employees and / or collaborators of the Company (so-called persons authorized to process under the direct authority of the data controller or data processor ), the members of the board of directors, the board of statutory auditors and the supervisory body, the data processors, identified in the IT service management company and in the tax / tax consultancy company, or to other managers who will be appointed in writing and to whom specific written instructions will be given, the Authorities to whom, for the fulfillment of legal or regulatory obligations in general, the Company is required to send personal data (tax / tax consultancy firm), or the judicial authority for the protection of their own reasons, as well as to other subjects necessary for the pursuit of the purposes indicated in the preceding body par. 3.
Personal data will not be transferred to third countries outside the EU: Where, for reasons related to the execution of the contract, or to the fulfillment of legal obligations, a transfer to countries and / or organizations outside the EU is necessary, this transfer will take place in compliance with the conditions set by the GDPR. and, if necessary, with the consent of the interested party.
In consideration of the purpose of the processing, personal data will be kept for the time necessary to achieve the purposes indicated. After this deadline, the data will be deleted or made anonymous, following the legal requirements, unless their further conservation is necessary to fulfill legal obligations or to fulfill orders from the public authority, or to protect a legitimate interest of the Company (defense of the company in court).

The interested party has the right:
- to ask the data controller for access to personal data, the correction and / or integration of incomplete data, or the cancellation of the same. Any corrections or cancellations or limitations of the processing carried out at your request, unless this is impossible or involves a disproportionate effort, will be communicated by the data controller to each of the recipients to whom the personal data have been transmitted. The owner, if requested, can communicate the recipients to the interested party;
- to ask the holder to limit the processing that concerns him in the event that: 1) the data subject disputes the accuracy of personal data, for the period necessary for the holder to verify the accuracy of such data; 2) the processing is unlawful and the interested party opposes the cancellation of personal data and requests instead that its use be limited; 3) the personal data are necessary for the interested party to ascertain, exercise or defend a right in court; 4) the interested party has opposed the processing, in the period of waiting for the verification of the possible prevalence of legitimate reasons of the data controller with respect to those of the interested party;
- to request a copy of the personal data being processed;
- to the portability of data to another data controller, through (i) delivery in a structured format, commonly used and readable by an automatic device, the personal data concerning him and subsequent transmission to the other data controller, or (ii) direct transmission from the previous holder to the other holder, if technically feasible;
- to withdraw his / her consent at any time, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing up to what point in place. The withdrawal of consent cannot concern the cases in which the processing is necessary to fulfill a legal obligation to which the owner is required;
- to lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Authority (Privacy Guarantor) if it believes that its rights have not been respected;
- to know the purposes other than those indicated in Article 2 above in order to be able to express their consent with respect to them.
The interested party may address their written request to the following contacts:
- rec. a / r: Ghidini Lighting Srl, via Monsuello n.211 CAP 25065 Lumezzane (BS)
- email;,
- fax: 0039 030 8248406,
- PEC:

The interested party has the right to object at any time, for reasons connected to his particular situation, to the processing of personal data concerning him in cases where the processing is necessary for the execution of a task of public interest or connected to exercise of public authority vested in the data controller, or in cases where the processing is necessary for the pursuit of the legitimate interest of the data controller or third parties. The owner will refrain from further processing personal data unless he demonstrates the existence of compelling legitimate reasons to proceed with the processing that prevail over the rights of the interested party, or for the assessment, exercise or defense of a right in court. .
The interested party may address their written request to the contacts referred to in the preceding point.
The owner declares not to make use of automated decision-making processes, including profiling, that is any form of automated processing of personal data consisting in the use of such data to evaluate certain personal aspects relating to a natural person.

Lumezzane, 01 JUNE 2021

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Consent manifestation (Article 7 of EU Regulation no. 2016/679)

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